1. Building a defect system¶
the DefectChargeState
The smallest “unit” of a DefectSystem
object in py-sc-fermi
is a DefectChargeState
object: this is where the formation energies of the defect-which you have likely calculated from a density functional theory study-are defined. Let’s take the example of NaCl, a rock salt structured material, and assume the only defects that can form are vacancies, \(V_\mathrm{Na}\) and \(V_\mathrm{Cl}\). We’ll assume each vacancy has two possible charge states, \(V^{0}_\mathrm{Na}\) and
\(V^{-1}_\mathrm{Na}\) and \(V^{0}_\mathrm{Cl}\) and \(V^{+1}_\mathrm{Cl}\). The cell below shows how we might define these defect objects.
from py_sc_fermi.defect_charge_state import DefectChargeState
v_Na_0 = DefectChargeState(charge= 0, # the charge of the defect
degeneracy= 1, # see "note on spin degeneracy" at the bottom of this notebook
energy = 1.0 # defect formation energy in eV, we will just use a dummy value here
v_Na_minus_1 = DefectChargeState(charge= -1, degeneracy= 1, energy = 2.0)
# repeat for the Cl vacancy
v_Cl_0 = DefectChargeState(charge= 0, degeneracy= 1, energy = 1.0)
v_Cl_1 = DefectChargeState(charge= 1, degeneracy= 1, energy = -1.0)
the DefectSpecies
The DefectSpecies
object collects DefectChargeStates
together under a single “kind” of defect, this is useful for assigning consistent site degeneracies (and specifying different constraints, which we will come to later). These are defined like so:
from py_sc_fermi.defect_species import DefectSpecies
# defining the Na vacancy
v_Na = DefectSpecies(name = "v_Na", # the name can be any string, it only needs to be unique in the set of all species
nsites = 1, # the number of sites on which the defect can form in the unit cell (see usage notes)
charge_states = {0 : v_Na_0, -1: v_Na_minus_1}) # dictionary of charge states, with the key being the charge and the value being the corresponding DefectChargeState object
# defining the Cl vacancy
v_Cl = DefectSpecies(name = "v_Cl", nsites = 1, charge_states = {0 : v_Cl_0, 1: v_Cl_1})
the DOS
object contains the density of states information calculated for the unit cell (see usage notes in the documentation for a strict definition of the unit cell) we take data calculated from the Materials Project for NaCl (mp-22862) which we have dumped into a csv file.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from py_sc_fermi.dos import DOS
energy = np.loadtxt('dos.csv', delimiter=',')[0] # the energy range of the DOS information
dos = np.loadtxt('dos.csv', delimiter=',')[1] # the (total) DOS
dos = DOS(dos = dos, # the total density of states for the unit cell
edos = energy, # the energy range of the calculated density of states
bandgap = 5, # the bandgap in eV (taken from the Materials Project, mp-22862)
nelect = 20, # the number of electrons in the unit cell calculation
spin_polarised=False) # This dos calculation is not spin polarised
Putting it all together: the DefectSystem
The DefectSystem
object collects our DefectSpecies
together, and allows for us to search for the self-consistent Fermi energy. It is defined as below:
from py_sc_fermi.defect_system import DefectSystem
defect_system = DefectSystem(defect_species = [v_Na, v_Cl], # list of py_sc_fermi.defect_species.DefectSpecies objects
dos = dos, # py_sc_fermi.dos.DOS object
volume = 46.10, # the volume of the unit cell in angstrom^3 (taken from the Materials Project, mp-22862)
temperature = 500) # the temperature in K
will print a summary of the solved defect system including the the defect concentrations and the self-consistent Fermi energy
DOSOverflowWarning: An overflow occurred during computation of
electron and hole concentrations. This is likely a natural result of the use of
a numerical solver for the Fermi energy search. This can likely be ignored
though you should always check the final results are reasonable.
DefectOverflowWarning: An overflow occurred during computation of
defect concentrations. This is likely a natural result of the use of
a numerical solver for the Fermi energy search. This can likely be ignored
though you should always check the final results are reasonable.
Temperature : 500 (K)
SC Fermi level : 1.5000000000000888 (eV)
n (electrons) : 3.9275293083444446e-18 cm^-3
p (holes) : 816810.0179280476 cm^-3
v_Na : 1.979360284643525e+17 cm^-3, (percentage of defective sites: 0.000912 %)
v_Cl : 1.9793602846353648e+17 cm^-3, (percentage of defective sites: 0.000912 %)
Breakdown of concentrations for each defect charge state:
v_Na : Charge Concentration(cm^-3) Total
: 0 1.806104e+12 0.00
: -1 1.979342e+17 100.00
v_Cl : Charge Concentration(cm^-3) Total
: 0 1.806104e+12 0.00
: 1 1.979342e+17 100.00
2. Misc. DefectSystem
There are various analyses we can perform once our defect system is defined, some non-exhaustive examples are included in the cells below:
plot transition level diagrams¶
# plot transition levels
# get a dictionary of the lines for a transition level (TL) diagram where the key is the name of the DefectSpecies
# the values is a list of lists, where the first list is the x coordinates of the TL profile and the second list
# is the y coordinates of the TL profile
transition_levels = defect_system.get_transition_levels()
# get the self consistent Fermi energy to plot on the TL diagram
sc_fermi = defect_system.get_sc_fermi()[0]
# plot each defect species TL profile on the full diagram, and label as
# the defect species name
for k, v in transition_levels.items():
plt.plot(v[0], v[1], "-o", label=k)
# plot the self consistent Fermi energy
plt.vlines(sc_fermi, 0, 2, linestyles="dashed", label = "SC Fermi level")
plt.ylim(0, 2)
plt.xlim(0, 5)
plt.ylabel("Formation energy / eV")
plt.xlabel("Fermi Energy / eV")
plot defect concentrations as a function of temperature¶
# plot the defect concentration as a function of temperature
temperatures = np.linspace(400, 3000, 100)
v_Cl_conc = []
v_Na_conc = []
for t in temperatures:
ds = defect_system.temperature = t
concentrations = defect_system.concentration_dict()
plt.plot(temperatures, v_Cl_conc, label="$[V_\mathrm{Cl}]$", ls = "--")
plt.plot(temperatures, v_Na_conc, label="$[V_\mathrm{Na}]$", ls = "--")
plt.ylabel("Concentration / cm^-3")
plt.xlabel("temperature / K")
plot defect concentrations as a function of Fermi energy¶
# plot defect charge concentrations as a function of Fermi energy
fermi_energies = np.linspace(0, 3, 100)
# plot the concentrations of the defects as a function of Fermi energy
v_Cl_conc = []
v_Na_conc = []
for e_fermi in fermi_energies:
v_Cl_conc.append(v_Cl.get_concentration(e_fermi, 500) * 1e24 / defect_system.volume)
v_Na_conc.append(v_Na.get_concentration(e_fermi, 500) * 1e24 / defect_system.volume)
plt.plot(fermi_energies, v_Cl_conc, label="$[V_\mathrm{Cl}]$")
plt.plot(fermi_energies, v_Na_conc, label="$[V_\mathrm{Na}]$")
# plot the concentration of electrons as a function of Fermi energy
h_conc = []
e_conc = []
for e_fermi in fermi_energies:
h_conc.append(dos.carrier_concentrations(e_fermi, 500)[0] * 1e24 / defect_system.volume)
e_conc.append(dos.carrier_concentrations(e_fermi, 500)[1] * 1e24 / defect_system.volume)
plt.plot(fermi_energies, h_conc, label="$[h^+]$")
plt.plot(fermi_energies, e_conc, label="$[e^-]$")
plt.ylabel("Concentration / cm^-3")
plt.xlabel("Fermi Energy / eV")
3. Applying concentration constraints¶
fixing the concentrations of DefectSpecies
There are a range of constraints we can apply to the concentrations of the defects in a DefectSystem
, the first example is to fix the concentration of the DefectSpecies
. This is purely a thought experiment, but may represent a system where barriers for ionic motion are very large, but electronic transport is facile. Here we will look at what happens to the hole concentration if we run our NaCl system at high temperatures, then rerun at low temperatures.
from copy import deepcopy
# make a copy of the main defect system
live_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
# calculate defect and electronic carrier concentrations at high T.
live_defect_system.temperature = 1500
high_t_defects = live_defect_system.concentration_dict()
# repeat at low T
low_t_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
low_t_defect_system.temperature = 300
low_t_defects = low_t_defect_system.concentration_dict()
# fix the concentration of the defect species at high T, and then
# calculate the concentration of the electron holes at low T
fixed_species_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
fixed_species_defect_system.temperature = 300
fixed_species_defect_system.defect_species_by_name("v_Na").fix_concentration(high_t_defects["v_Na"] / 1e24 * defect_system.volume)
fixed_species_defect_system.defect_species_by_name("v_Cl").fix_concentration(high_t_defects["v_Cl"] / 1e24 * defect_system.volume)
fixed_species_defects = fixed_species_defect_system.concentration_dict()
# plot the results
plt.bar([0, 1, 2], [high_t_defects["p0"], low_t_defects["p0"], fixed_species_defects["p0"]])
plt.xticks([0, 1, 2], ["high T", "low T", "fixed species"])
plt.ylabel("Concentration / cm^-3")
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
We find the hole concentration in the fixed system (high temperature defect concentrations with electrons and holes recalculated at lower temperatures) is inflated relative to the low temperature system.
fixing the concentrations of DefectChargeStates
What about if we have a system where we imagine neither ionic defects or their charge states can re-equilibrate on the timescale of interest, here we take high temperature charged defects and fix their concentrations, rerunning at lower temperatures, and find this time, that the hole concentration in the system with fixed concentration charge states ~ to the system calculated at high temperatures.
# make a copy of the main defect system
live_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
# calculate defect and electronic carrier concentrations at high T.
live_defect_system.temperature = 1500
high_t_defects = live_defect_system.concentration_dict(decomposed=True)
# repeat at low T
low_t_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
low_t_defect_system.temperature = 300
low_t_defects = low_t_defect_system.concentration_dict(decomposed=True)
# fix the concentration of the defect species at high T, and then
# calculate the concentration of the electron holes at low T
fixed_species_defect_system = deepcopy(defect_system)
fixed_species_defect_system.temperature = 300
fixed_species_defect_system.defect_species_by_name("v_Na").charge_states[-1].fix_concentration(high_t_defects["v_Na"][-1] / 1e24 * defect_system.volume)
fixed_species_defect_system.defect_species_by_name("v_Cl").charge_states[1].fix_concentration(high_t_defects["v_Cl"][1] / 1e24 * defect_system.volume)
fixed_species_defects = fixed_species_defect_system.concentration_dict()
plt.bar([0, 1, 2], [high_t_defects["p0"], low_t_defects["p0"], fixed_species_defects["p0"]])
plt.xticks([0, 1, 2], ["high T", "low T", "fixed charge states"])
plt.ylabel("Concentration / cm^-3")
introducing an additional fixed concentration defect¶
Finally, we can introduce an additional defect to model how the defect concentrations will respond to e.g. the introduction of a charged dopant.
dopant_concentrations = np.logspace(17,20)
v_Na_conc = []
v_Cl_conc = []
p_0 = []
n_0 = []
for dopant_concentration in dopant_concentrations:
dopant_charge_state = DefectChargeState(1, fixed_concentration = dopant_concentration / 1e24 * defect_system.volume)
dopant_species = DefectSpecies("dopant", 1, charge_states = {1 : dopant_charge_state})
live_defect_system = DefectSystem(defect_species = [dopant_species, v_Na, v_Cl], volume = defect_system.volume, temperature = 500, dos = defect_system.dos)
defect_data = live_defect_system.concentration_dict()
plt.plot(dopant_concentrations, v_Na_conc, label="$V_\mathrm{Na}$")
plt.plot(dopant_concentrations, v_Cl_conc, label="$V_\mathrm{Cl}$")
plt.plot(dopant_concentrations, p_0, label="$p_0$")
plt.plot(dopant_concentrations, n_0, label="$n_0$")
plt.ylabel("Concentration / cm^-3")
plt.xlabel("Dopant concentration / cm^-3")
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 12
10 live_defect_system = DefectSystem(defect_species = [dopant_species, v_Na, v_Cl], volume = defect_system.volume, temperature = 500, dos = defect_system.dos)
11 defect_data = live_defect_system.as_dict()
---> 12 v_Na_conc.append(defect_data["v_Na"])
13 v_Cl_conc.append(defect_data["v_Cl"])
14 p_0.append(defect_data["p0"])
KeyError: 'v_Na'
[ ]: